Start by loading rQuote .


Running rQuote() without changing any of the default arguments, will print a ‘science’ tagged quote on your console as well as on a pop-up graphics device:

You can change the theme of the pop-up graphics device by specifying theme = dark

To get a quote from a tag different than ‘science’, simply change the tag argument. For example you can get a quote about statistics by specifying tag = 'statistics'

For more information on what types of tags are possible see the section of the help page: rQuote().

To quote yourself, you can use function rQuoteMe(). Here is an example of me quoting myself using the dark theme:

rQuoteMe(quote = 'There are moments in life when randomly quoting the words of someone else, is better than saying nothing. Just keep in mind that these moments are very rare.', 
         author = 'Greg Papageorgiou', 
         theme = 'dark')